

Changes to Single-IRB review Request Process

MIT’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), to share an important change to COUHES Connect that will impact multi-site research projects involving human subjects. As you may know, federal regulations require that such multi-site research projects designate a single institution’s IRB as the “Reviewing Institution/IRB” while the others will serve as a “Relying Institution/IRB.”

Changes to Exempt Evaluations in COUHES Connect

Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects (COUHES)

We write to share important upcoming changes to COUHES Connect that will impact new and existing Exempt Evaluations. These changes aim to remove duplicative exempt studies and close inactive protocols.

Updates to Human Subject Training Management

COUHES: Updates to Human Subject Training Management

Earlier this month, we wrote to advise you of an update to COUHES Connect that will support you, as a PI or faculty sponsor, in your responsibility to manage the training requirements of your human subjects research team. We are pleased to share that the COUHES Connect system now takes the work out of monitoring and prompting your team. Read the entire announcement.

COUHES Connect Compliance Update

On February 1, 2023 COUHES announced changes to COUHES Connect that affect how PIs and Faculty Sponsors manage the training requirements of research personnel involved in sponsored human subjects research. Read the entire announcement.

Important Update to the COUHES Connect Questionnaires – Effective 9/19/22

On August 30, 2022 COUHES sent an important announcement upcoming changes to COUHES Connect that will impact the questionnaire section of Comprehensive Application submissions. Read the entire announcement.

COUHES Covid Update

On December 21, 2021, an announcement was sent to the MIT Community in response to human subject research activities in the changing Omicron environment.

Important updates to the COUHES policy on the restart of direct person-to-person research

On August 2, 2021, an announcement was sent to the MIT Community announcing updated policies regarding direct person-to-person human subject research.

COUHES Data Classification and Information Protection Policy Announcement

On March 3, 2021, an announcement was sent to the MIT Community announcing a new COUHES data classification and information protection policy was implemented with COUHES Connect, in collaboration with IS&T.  

Memo Regarding Guidance to Restart Direct Person-to-person Human Subject Research

We are pleased to provide guidance on the restart of direct person-to-person human subject research while in the Covid-19 environment. 

Important COUHES Connect Update

Starting in 2020 we will begin the implementation of COUHES Connect across all MIT departments.

COUHES Connect: Phase II Update

The COUHES office has begun using Connect to prepare and submit Comprehensive Review protocols, amendments, renewals and perform all other protocol actions.

Update to COUHES Connect: Exempt Evaluations – Funding Source Maintenance and View Access

Investigators conducting research determined by the COUHES Connect Exempt Evaluation to meet the criteria for exemption must follow the Investigator Responsibilities Guidelines for exempt research, which include responsibilities and management tasks outside of COUHES.