Department of Defense (DoD) Sponsored or Supported Exempt Research

Investigators conducting exempt research sponsored or supported by the Department of Defense (DoD) must submit an Application for Department of Defense Sponsored or Support Exempt Research with their Exempt Evaluation. Do NOT submit the application without creating a new exempt evaluation, the application and exempt evaluation must be submitted in parallel. DoD sponsored or supported research requires additional review which is not included in the Exempt Evaluation and requires that COUHES concur with the exempt determination.

DoD research requires review from the funding department’s Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) office. COUHES must review and concur with the exempt evaluation prior to HRPO’s review and concurrence. Investigators are encouraged to discuss the submission with COUHES throughout the process and include COUHES until the review is complete.

Along with the Application for Department of Defense Sponsored or Support Exempt Research, investigator must include all study related documents, including: recruitment, consent forms, surveys, interview questions, etc. If research will be conducted at a DoD site, include a letter of support from tat site. The application and consent templates are available under the Forms & Templates section.

Investigators conducting non-exempt DoD sponsored or supported research are not required to submit a separate application as the Comprehensive Review includes all the required elements.

Updated February 28, 2022