COUHES Connect Resources


COUHES Connect is MIT’s IRB platform that allows investigators to easily manage their human subject protocols. The new dashboard provides access to view existing protocols and approved documents. The dashboard also includes the Exempt Evaluation, a tool designed to assess the status of your research, determining whether your research activities are eligible for exempt status. COUHES requires all investigators to complete the Exempt Evaluation prior to the start of research in leu of completing the exempt application. All researchers conducting exempt research must review and comply with the ethical guidelines described in the Investigator Responsibilities for Exempt Research

You can also check the status of your latest submission, which will allow you to manage your research. COUHES created detailed guidance for investigators with explanations and user guides for the COUHES exempt evaluation.

For technical help, contact

For policy or other COUHES related matters, contact or call 617-253-6787.