Update to COUHES Connect: Exempt Evaluations – Funding Source Maintenance and View Access

To Members of the MIT Research Community:

In January, we introduced COUHES Connect, a new online platform for managing protocols. We wanted to make you aware of new features to the Exempt Evaluation tool to support campus management and oversight practices.

Investigators conducting research determined by the COUHES Connect Exempt Evaluation to meet the criteria for exemption must follow the Investigator Responsibilities Guidelines for exempt research, which include responsibilities and management tasks outside of COUHES.

To support these tasks, the Exempt Evaluation tool now provides:

  • Funding Source maintenance window.
    • Only studies with exempt status can list the funding sources.
  • Department view access of submitted Exempt Evaluations.
    •  Users with the Department IRB Admin role can access Exempt Evaluations, with the ability to view the funding sources for Exempt Evaluations in their departments.
    • Adding the correct PI department to your Exempt Evaluation enables administrator role based access.
  •  Coming soon: En-Route list added to the Exempt Evaluation dashboard
    •  Lists evaluations awaiting PI, Faculty Sponsor, or COUHES approval.

For details and instructions, please see the latest User Guides published on our COUHES Connect Guidance page: http://couhes.mit.edu/couhes-connect-resources/couhes-connect-guidance

Please note:

  • Investigators are still required to fulfill sponsor requirements for the human subject study; such as public access to research data.
  • NIH sponsored research does not meet the criteria for exemption under category 3, Benign Behavioral Intervention.

Please visit the COUHES website for the latest updates on COUHES Connect and upcoming regulatory changes.  If you have further questions or concerns, contact COUHES@mit.edu.

Leigh Firn, MD


Download PDF of the entire announcement: Update to COUHES Connect Exempt Evaluations Funding Source Maintenance and View Access